My Mask Will Stay On
Based on "My Heart Will Go" from Totanic On
Life before was a dream, I'd see you, breath on you.
How I cringe at how it went wrong.
We must keep a distance, a safe space between us,
Days of my poor hygiene are gone.
Stay far whoever you are, if in public a mask should go on.
Before I'd laugh at this chore, now let's all play or part
So, my mask will go on, stay on.
I could cough just one time and destroy your lifeline.
Even though my symptoms were none.
Yes, I'll care about you, I don't need to know you.
To ensure I don't pass it on.
Bizarre, how selfish we are,
It won't hurt when your out to wear one.
Once more, it's far from
Show you care in your heart
Time, to start putting a mask on.
No fear just common sense here
How could helping each other be wrong?
Just nay, what trumptrurds will say
Keep us safe with a mask
When in public put your mask on.
Barry Eva